September 9, 2020
SLB Office of Religious Education
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the 2020-21 Religious Education/Confirmation Programs.
When you registered your son/daughter, we said that our programs would begin on September 12. The Office of Religious Education of the Archdiocese has recommended that we do not rush into a new year without complete planning.
Our number one priority remains the health of your child. We are in contact with the Archdiocese as to their latest updates for this year’s programs.
We are forming a committee which will include:
1. The Pastor
2. Director of Religious Education and her assistant
3. The parish book keeper/ business manager
4. A health person who can keep us advised on the latest update
5. A set of parents from the Confirmation program and Catechism program
We will also be contacting you (phone calls, email, WhatsApp, etc.) to ask for your suggestions. We promise to keep you informed either through our catechists or our office of religious education.
Thank you very much for your continued support of your child’s faith development. Thank you for your trust in us. Know that you remain in our prayers.
Fr. Matt
Mrs. Maria Teresa Moreno