Sgt. Jones and I spent almost 2 hours in the parking lot of Café Oaxaca talking visiting with people who came to discuss family concerns, hours of Sunday Mass, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), 12 Step Programs, among other things. We linked one man with a job. Last week a postal worker (born and raised in Watts) came up to Sgt. Jones and thanked him for all the LAPD has done for the people in Watts – another asked the Sgt. for help with a police matter.
Since the lanes narrow to one where we stand we also talk to the people as they sit in their cars waiting for the light to turn – sometimes it is about their music, their car, or the beauty of a baby. We wave to the people; they wave back and smile. It’s all good!
We have been doing this for some time now, however, this is the first time we posted it and encouraged people to come by.
We are at corner of Century and Central every Wednesday from 11:00am- 12:30/1:00pm Come and join us with questions for the police and a blessing from the Padre.