Join us For Mass this Sunday, June 14th - Feast of Corpus Christi
While you are attending Mass or visiting the church, our first priority is your health and well- being. Therefore, we need to follow the requirements determined by the Archbishop.
6:00am (Spanish); 9:00am (Spanish); Noon (English); 3:00pm (Spanish); 6:00pm (Spanish)
Mass will be outside in the parking lot and limited to 100 people (per the Archbishop)
We will accept 40 reservations by phone. Please call the office and speak to a staff member during business hours to reserve seats for up to 5 people. (9:00am – 5:00pm) We will not be able to accept reservations by voice mail.
This will be on a first come/first serve basis.
Everyone (cars and people) must enter through North Gate – next to John Paul II House. This will help us to keep count of those attending. (We will have to coordinate the entrance of cars with the people walking in. I suggest that we have 2 ministers at this gate.)
Please park in the school parking lot. Parking will be limited due to distancing of cars. Once the lot is full cars will have to be parked on the street.
Entrance/Check-In for Mass
Once you have parked or walked in, proceed to the front of the Church to the check-in tent. It will be located between John Paul II House and the Church.
You will be asked if you have any of the COVID 19 symptoms; your temperature will be taken; contact information (name and phone number) must be given. (In the event someone tests positive for the virus we will have to notify everyone who attended that Mass.)
A Minister of Hospitality and Health will direct you to the back parking lot where an usher will seat you.
Social distancing and masks will be required. Families can be seated together; all other people will be seated 6’ apart.
The Archbishops asks that we receive Holy Communion in the hand for the time being.
There will be no choirs for the time being. We will have a cantor and accompanist.