Divine Mercy Sunday
April 19, 2020
While the church doors are closed, the parish is open! Our office staff is still here to serve you. However, we could use your help.
Our Payroll Protective Program (PPP) loans were not funded; the Small Business Administration ran out of money. Therefore, I would humbly ask you to consider making an offering, either:
1. On line at https://stlawrenceofbrindisi.org/donate
1. Through the mail, or
2. By dropping it off at the parish office (the doors are closed but a staff member will graciously receive your gift)
We live stream daily Mass at our parish Facebook page: Monday – Friday:8:00am/English; Spanish immediately follows; Saturday – Sunday: 9:00am /English; 10:00am Spanish.
Know that you remain in the daily prayers and Mass intentions of the Capuchin Friars.
God bless you, Fr. Matt, OFM Cap., Pastor