In Spanish
Easter Services-2020
San Lorenzo de Brindisi, Los Angeles
Streamed live on St. Lawrence Face Book: Immediately published on:
Palm Sunday
Holy Mass:
9:00 am - English
10:00 am - Español
Holy Thursday of the Lord's Dinner
Holy Mass:
5:00 pm - English
7:00 pm - Spanish
Good Friday of the Lord's Passion
Stations of the Cross
Already recorded and uploaded to the internet
Stations of the Cross - English
Via Cruces - Spanish (Tableau Style)
The Celebration of the Lord's Passion - Live Stream
12:00 noon - English
1:30 pm - Spanish
Holy Saturday
There are morning masses
Easter Vigil
Holy Mass
7:30 pm - English
9:30 pm - Spanish
Easter Sunday
Holy Mass
9:00 am - English
10:00 am - español
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