Beginning on Monday, March 8th, weekday masses (8:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.) will be celebrated inside the church, including the 5:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass. We will be limiting the number to 75 persons for the time being.
We will also be celebrating baptisms, weddings, quinceañeras and funerals (not Covid related) in the church again, limited to 75 persons.
Music will remain as is: one cantor and one musician, both must wear masks. As per the Archdiocese protocols, temperatures will continue to be taken, phone numbers recorded, social distancing and masks are mandatory. Windows and doors will be eft open. Entrance to church will be on the side door next to the sacristy. The people need to exit through the front doors in the vestibule.
Reservations will still be accepted.
Sunday masses will continue to bend outdoors due to the large number of attendees.